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The Journal contains a list of the common 80 birds of New England with a log to record your sightings. It is designed to help you observe and record the most common bird species found here and includes a section to list all your sightings. The booklet is organized by year-round birds, summer birds, and coastal birds to help with locating your sightings. It includes a section to list less common birds and an overview of bird species. 


Many people who enjoy bird watching like to track their sightings. The practice of "listing" is part of the fun and anyone who enjoys bird watching typically has a "life list" of the birds they have seen over time. Keeping a list helps you learn species better, preserves the experience, and keeps you hooked.


The booklet can be used as a stand-alone journal but is maybe be more helpful combined with the Spark Birding online course, "Birdwatching for Beginners: New England Edition".

New England Bird Watching Journal and Log

SKU: 0100
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$6.99Sale Price
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